Are you Sick of Celebrities?
Apparently this dude is although I notice he isn't too sick of them to write an article and make money off of them. Hypocrite!
Enough Celebrity News
If there's one thing I've learned it's ... it's ...
Hey, I'm 58. The memory ain't what it used to be.
Oh, yeah. I've learned I no longer have any interest in "celebrity news." I just don't want to hear another word about Britney Spears' disasters. I don't need to see any more pictures of any part of her body, shaved or not.
I don't need to see any more pictures of her out cruising with Paris Hilton or juggling babies.
I do, however, want to hear her sing again. I like some of her stuff. I've just had it up to here with her deranged personal life.
Everybody's got problems, but most don't have the money to enter rehab every few days and go partying and shopping in between. Enough.
I don't need to witness any more clashes between Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell. Who cares if they hate each other? 'Course we did learn that Trump has absolutely no class. Zilch.
Lesbian slurs? What a jerk.
And isn't it time we buried this Anna Nicole Smith circus? I feel bad for her. Bad for her son. And bad for her baby girl. But how long are we going to gawk at this train wreck?
Tom Cruise? He's an actor with a slightly fanatical personal life and prehistoric attitudes, because of which I've lost interest in watching any of his movies. Ticks me off, because I used to like his acting and now all I see is the depression-bashing nutball. He's a twit.
And while on the subject of celebrity BS, are we really supposed to believe those hot bunnies hanging all over Hugh Hefner really find him sexy and love kissing those worn-out, leaky old lips? Gimme a break.
Slip some other shrunken old codger into Hef's robe and watch the girls run for the hills.
I'm just jealous you say? Maybe.
But I digress. Bobby Brown arrested again? Good. Lock him up and throw away the key. Good riddance.
I liked it better when the movie studios kept stars "unreal." They created an off-screen personality for the star to "play" while in public, so the fantasy continued.
Now we know more about their personal lives than we do about those of our own families and friends.
Hard to buy Mel Gibson's heroic on-screen persona when you read about him drunk and uttering racial slurs.
I'm glad he got caught. Just sorry I had to see the black hole in his soul.
Can't watch HIS movies any more either. All I see is another messed-up human being. I don't have to pay admission to see that.
However, I have no problem with you showing me Jack Nicholson grinning at award shows. I can even still see Playboy bunnies hanging off old Jack. He's what a star should be. Interesting, entertaining, out there but not a whack job.
Maybe I'm just tired of self-indulgent, screwed-up rich people flaunting their flaws. Give me that money, and I'll show you how to be happy with it ... and how to help others be happier.
Celebrity loser news. Think of the time we wasted watching O.J. Simpson instead of spending it on something worthwhile. What's wrong with us?
Trashy Celebrity News
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